SourceWright Help File   
File  Process VBP Project  Reorganizes your VBP file saving a backup (If enabled) 
Scans VBP project for all files 
Asks if you want to continue 
Processes all files in the project according to Options 
File  Process Directory and All SubFolders Scans Folder and all subfolders for BAS, FRM, CLS, CTL files 
Gives filecount 
Asks if you want to continue 
Processes all files found according to Options
File   Process A Directory  Scans Folder for BAS, FRM, CLS, CTL files Gives filecount 
Asks if you want to continue 
Processes all files in folder according to settings
File  Process A Single File Processes single file in the project according to Options 
File  Exit  Asks if you want to save Options for next time
Quits the program
Options Enforce MultiLine If/Then Constructs If code is found that uses the following format:
   IF a = b THEN b = g
and this option is checked it reformats it to
  IF a = b THEN 
            b = g
(which I find much easier to read compared to a mix of both formats)
Options Enforce Single Line between Subs/Functions This is useful when [Remove Blank Lines] is checked since it inserts a blank line between each Proceedure
Options Remove Blank Lines     This removes ALL blank lines in your file/project
Options Remove All Comments  This removes ALL comments from your code
Options Left Justify Debug.Print Statements This locates all lines that begin Debug.Print all the way left for easier debugging
Options Don't Change File Time or Date This maintains original file dates/times for all processed files [and all backup files]
Options Auto-Indent  Adjustable formatting VB suggests tabwidth of 4 (Our organization prefers 6)
Single means a single tab of indentation (i.e. 4 or 6 spaces)
Double means two tabs of indentation (i.e. 8 or 12 spaces)
Safety Create Backups This option defaults to ON - for your protection.
Backup files are saved as originalfilename.originalext  SixDigitTime .BAK and are stored in the SAME directory as the process file (with the SAME DATE/TIME if so checked in Options).
SourceWright is ©2002 Keeysoft Development Group
Feel Free to use it on your projects and please leave me feedback with ideas for improvement.